Astronautics and
Rocketry Club

Building the nation's first rockets,
and the people behind them.

Who is

The Astronautics and Rocketry Club (ARC) is a student-driven research community at the International Academy of Aviation Industry, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang. We are dedicated to advancing Thailand’s practical capabilities in spaceflight technology. By pioneering the national frontier research efforts and fostering cooperation, we are hoping to attract and inspire passionate fellow students who will help us create the foundation of domestic expertise and develop the next generation of skilled professionals for the future space industry.


Inspire, ignite passion, and promote deep interest for astronautics and rocketry amongst students. We exist for our members, nurturing their skills and growth is our main duty and interest.

We’re laying groundwork for the development of Thai space technology, starting with our greatest goal—launching the nation’s first domestic space-capable launch vehicle.